Off to Houston! I am very excited to see all there is to see and take a few classes in addition to all the girlfriend time I’ll get in! Leaving my adoring hubby home with the cats, dogs and chickens – definitely a vacation for me! I’ll let you know all about what I enjoyed and learned and was awestruck by when I get back!
Inspiration Time!
November 2nd, 2011Free Block of the Month! Flying Geese All in A Row!
October 31st, 2011Its that time again! Time to stretch your wings and fly! If you are a goose block, I mean! So this next installment of the Goose BOM and it is what I consider a classic Flying Geese block.
Here are just two of the colors pallets I have used for this one! It is Paper-Pieced so if you are not sure how to do it and my instructions are just not enough, you can search I found several tutorials on paper-piecing and foundation piecing that may be able to explain things clearly for you.
Flynig Geese in Rows paper-pieced
Be very careful with your printer – check the pattern to make sure it prints the correct size. If not, adjust accordingly to get the paper-piecing pattern to be 4-1/2″ x 6-1/2″ including the seam allowances.
Have fun!
More Fancy Fanwork!
October 28th, 2011Been working all week on this one! The blocks are 12″ finished and yes – that is 24 fabrics coming together in the centers. Batiks worked best as they are flatter and more sturdy. Lots of pressing too! I’m thinking I may have to augment the centers with a decorative button or beadwork as a few of the intersections are just not as pretty as they could be. But overall, I’m pleased. Yet another one of my 15 degree fan patterns that will be coming in May 2012. I think I’ll call it Graphic Fans…
Furry Friends!
October 27th, 2011Looks like I just might become one of those ladies who have cat fur all over her quilts!
They spent most of the afternoon here beside me – occasionally Jack, the striped one, would get up and try to chase the sewing machine needle but safety prevailed and he got booted out of the sewing room at every attempt. Meanwhile, they are filling up my “leaders and enders” piles with lots of fur!
As I look at this picture all blown up on the internet, I suppose I should be concerned about all the “stuff” hanging around my work space. Rest assured, it all comes in handy! The blue, pink and purple fan blocks are coming together – maybe by tomorrow afternoon….
October 21st, 2011New class – fun feathers! I’ve worked all day on the class preparation and I think I’ve got a pretty good class set up. It premiers on Sunday at Bear’s Paw.
I’ll have to admit it was a bit hard to get all the typing and drawing of feathers completed since one of the kittens, Jack, has discovered that the computer screen is a fascinating thing to play with. All sorts of things move around on it! I’ll have to admit that perhaps the computer is a bit better place to for a kitty to hang around than his choice of entertainment last night!
At least the parts weren’t moving! And as you can see, he soon tired of that activity and moved to other places. If you look closely, you can see him trying to entice a cohort in crime to join him!
Sometimes there’s just too many helpers…
October 19th, 2011Been busy working on this all month!
October 11th, 2011Its a new pattern to accompany my new ruler coming out with Creative Grids at Spring Market. I am particulary enamored with this quilt. Lots of paper-piecing geese but then NO curved piecing or applique when the background is constructed with my new ruler! Still needs the pattern writing completed and then quilted but for now – I’m off on a new project for the ruler.
Here’s what I’ll be working with…
Really nice FREE Pattern
October 5th, 2011I was in Bear’s Paw Quilt Shop this morning and was awestruck by their rendition of this free pattern by Moda. The trees are sewn into the seams and the pinwheels are also folded into the seams making everything 3-D. Cheryl, who created the Bear’s Paw version, also added little beaded rosettes at the pinwheel centers for a little sparkle. (It also hides a myriad of piecing snafus!) – not that Cheryl had any but I’m just saying…
Any way, I located a site for the free patterns – its Hancock’s of Paducah! Click HERE to get a copy for yourself. The picture really doesn’t do it justice.
It suffices to say I really was inspired by this lovely quilt and plan to make one for myself. It would also be great quilt for an block exchange!
Another Art Quilt Show
October 4th, 2011As I sit here in my slightly chilly house this morning, I think about all the things I have to do this week and all the things that are going to get in the way of doing those things. I’m multi-tasking right now – updating my blog and printing patterns! Its not as easy as it sounds…
And I’m prepping for a class this morning – teaching Fusible Machine Applique with my Maryland on My Mind Pattern at My Favorite Quilt Shop here in Elkton.
Then there is the green and black quilt hanging over my shoulder that just keeps going on and on. Not to mention that I trimmed one of them wrong and have to remake at least a portion if not all of the block!!! Don’t you just hate when that happens! I could have sworn I measured two or even three times but still messed up. I’m blaming it on the ruler slipping! However, it is my plan to have all the blocks ready to go by this evening or tomorrow evening – see how I give myself some slack… last week the deadline was Friday evening. I’m flexible.
Note the organized and dust free workspace – I added “rearranging and cleaning my studio” to my list last week and was able to get it done on Sunday with the help of my handy and ever patient husband who can re-wire and re-hang on a moments notice! I’m still struggling with getting everything to fit into this space and provide enough storage and work space to be productive – or so I tell myself. It could just be all the rain making me sluggish and unproductive. I’d like to think that I am being VERY productive – its just taking longer than I thought!
After the Green and Black Geese are finished, there’s pattern writing and quilting and more piecing of more tops! All of this is leading up to a big debut! But more about that later.
I really meant to just blog about another Art Quilt Show with the Fiber Artisans Group I belong to. We are displaying is a Physical Therapy Office for their grand opening next week. I’ve attached the announcement and am pleased to see my Serene Green Quilt is one of the highlighted quilts. Its open to the public so hopefully I’ll see some of you local quilt lovers there!
Fox and Geese – 2nd Block
September 28th, 2011So I spend all of last night ripping off the paper behind the paper-piecing geese I’ve been working on. I only got through HALF of the blocks but all through this mundane activity, I tried to decide what colors to make my version of this Goose Block-of-the Month. Since I was working on a black and white with a splash of green quilt I though that might be a good color combination. But then I worried that I would run out of blacks and whites and greens before I finished both quilts and would be forced to buy more fabric. Now really, how bad could that be? I must have been really tired from all that paper-pulling to allow that thought to pop into my head!
Needless to say, I haven’t made up my mind and am going to be a month behind. I vowed to myself to make the decision this week and get started on it so my deadline to myself is Friday – decision is to be made and at least last month’s block to be completed!! I guess, technically, I’m not behind if I still get it done in September. Although I am posting the next handout a few days early, I’m pretty sure I said something out new blocks being ready on the 1st of the month so all is good. I was just worrying to be worrying. I’m sure it had something to do with all this rain or all the time I spend alone – thinking. I really should just watch more TV!
So here’s the block:
And here’s the link to the instructions. Enjoy this clever fast-piecing technique for making lots of geese from just one square of fabric. Accuracy is an absolute must with this technique or your geese may end up too small. Be Careful!